600600 Auto Shut-Off Valve Kit
The 600600 Auto Shut-Off Valve Kit is available to update older Pro-Flex units.
– Pro-Flex 120 mowers prior to Serial #15272165

Starting at Serial #15272165, the Pro-Flex 120 comes equipped with an automatic hydraulic shut-off valve connected to the pull rope. This ensures that the wing hydraulic circuit is “locked out” from operation when the rope is not being pulled, and “engaged” when the rope is pulled. This has simplified the proper usage of the hydraulic shut-off required to keep the wings from raising during operation.
Prior to this production change, the Pro-Flex 120 came equipped with a manual 1/4 turn shut-off valve installed on one of the long hoses that connect to the tractor. Correct operation of this valve required the operator to leave the tractor’s seat, resulting in some operators deciding not to use the valve, causing many issues with belt life.

Progressive Turf created the 600600 Auto Shut-Off Valve Kit for older serials of Pro-Flex 120 mowers. Installing this kit on a previous generation Pro-Flex 120 will eliminate the requirement to manually engage and disengage the 1/4 turn valve, and place that action on to the pull rope like in current generation mowers.
Note: This kit is compatible with previous generation Pro-Flex 120 mowers only, intended to upgrade older mowers. Current generation Pro-Flex 120 mowers do not need this kit as they already have automatic valves installed from factory.
You can download the instructions for this kit here: